Ne manquez pas cette page web : US family of 11-year-old shot by police vows to seek justice after officer gets no charges | US policing

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Sachez que la date de parution est 2023-12-15 05:17:00.

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The family of an 11-year-old boy who was shot by police after he called 911 and asked for their help have vowed to continue to fight for justice after authorities declined to charge the officer involved.

Aderrien Murry, who is Black, was seriously wounded by police after his mother asked him to call the police when the father of one of his half-siblings became angry. They were at their home in Indianola, Mississippi.

When police arrived, Murry was shot in the chest by Sgt Greg Capers after police ordered everyone in the house to put their hands up. Murry had emerged running from around a corner and headed for the door, according to relatives.

His injuries included a collapsed lung, fractured rib and lacerated liver.

“We are committed to seeking justice for Aderrien and his family, and we will persist in our efforts to ensure accountability through the civil legal process,” the family’s lawyer Carlos Moore said in a statement to NPR.

On Thursday a grand jury decided there was no criminal conduct by Capers in the case. The office of Lynn Fitch, the attorney general, said it would therefore not press any charges. “As such, no further criminal action will be taken by this office in this matter,” Fitch said in a statement.

Murry’s family have launched a $5m federal lawsuit against the city and two police officers, accusing the police department of poor training and supervision of its officers, reckless disregard and gross negligence.

The family – and the lawsuit – have repeatedly asked for police body camera footage of the incident to be released though the police department has not yet done so.


Étude historique sur l’organisation de la justice dans l’antiquité et les temps modernes,Le livre .

Justice restaurative,Clicker Ici .

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