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As part of its live service ambitions, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has already detailed that in a month, it will add an “Elseworlds” version of Joker to the exiting line-up of four, and the end of the game promised three more to come after that, filling out the next year, it seems.

Well, Braniac is already talking about one of them during gameplay, albeit in what appears to be an accident (spoilers follow, I suppose). There’s a video on reddit where a player dies while playing Harley Quinn, and Brainiac goes “I didn’t expect you to be the weak link, Freeze.”

Welp, there we go. While there was a glimpse of an ice-based hero previewed at the end of the game in the roadmap they show you, now we know it’s definitely Freeze, albeit what is going to be an Elseworld version in a unique way.

You can kind of see this in the silhouette and I think this error happened because it was with Harley, the only female character model, but this version of Freeze is a woman, Mrs. Freeze. I’m not sure if they’re gender flipping Victor, it’s his normally frozen wife or a daughter, but it’s a female version of the character, and apparently they didn’t just want to make Killer Frost instead. You can also sort of see this from the picture, but her city traversal mechanism will be an ice slide that we typically think of from the X-Men’s Iceman.

This, of course, raises the question of how exactly you do a hero like Freeze while also having to follow the more general rules of Suicide Squad. You’ll have a Freeze mainly using assault rifles or SMGs or miniguns or whatever, with Freeze powers limited to traversal and a special.

It’s also weird because ice is one of the four core elements (afflictions) in the game, so anyone can make a freezing build. But in the same token, that also means that Freeze can make something like a fire or electric build, which I mean, you can see how that’s a bit goofy. We’re sort of back in “what do you mean Boomerang mainly just shoots shotguns?” territory. But I’d argue it’s even weirder with Freeze.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League continues its somewhat subdued launch with poor reviews and worse Steam numbers, but what appear to be decent console sales and generally high scores from players. Its ultimate fate is yet to be determined, but it will live long enough to get Mrs. Freeze out, that’s for sure.

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